High chromium cast iron diode laser surface melting

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Aleksandra Kotarska
Damian Janicki


The article presents examinations of the microstructure and hardness of the surface melted layer produced on ZlCr25V high chromium cast iron substrate. The laser surface melting process was carried out using high power diode laser (HPDDL) with rectangular laser beam focus and uniform power density distribution in one axis of the beam focus (top-hat profile). During research the influence of laser processing conditions on the geometrical parameters of fusion zone, microstructure and hardness was investigated. The metallographic tests were made using optical microscope and scanning electron micro- scope.


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How to Cite
A. Kotarska and D. Janicki, “High chromium cast iron diode laser surface melting”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 90, no. 5, May 2018.
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