Detection of quenching cracks in 100Cr6 bearing steel by the eddy current method
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The article describes the research results in the identification and location of hardening cracks in 100Cr6 bearing steel using a proprietary control and measurement device for non-destructive testing using the eddy current method, Wirotest M2, and the automatic AutoWir-S1 station. A contact head with a frequency of 861 kHz was used for testing. The system recorded changes in voltage amplitude and resonance frequency. A clear decrease in the values of both parameters indicated the presence of discontinuities. The edge effect caused an increase in the voltage amplitude and a decrease in frequency, but these changes did not affect the detection of cracks. The smallest crack detected had a maximum width of approximately 20 µm and was invisible to the naked eye. The obtained surface charts clearly illustrate the course and location of individual discontinuities.
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