
Prof. Tomasz Chmielewski, PhD, DSc
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, website

Depute Editor-in-Chief for Industry Cooperation Affairs,
Włodzimierz Jacek Walczak, M.Sc. Eng.,
Messer Poland

Technical Editor
Beata Skowrońska
, Ph.D. Mech. Eng. website
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland 

Submission Officer
Przemysław Połaski, M.Sc. Eng.
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland


Section Editors
(alphabetical order) 

Prof. Dariusz Ceglarek - Robotics and laser welding processes,
University of Warwick, United Kingdom, website

Prof. Jacek Tomków - Underwater welding
Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Google Scholar

Prof. Jan Dusza Ceramic-metal joints,
Institute of Materials Research Slovak Academy of Science, Slovakia
WebsiteGoogle Scholar

Mariusz Fabijański, Ph.D. - Joining of Polymers,
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Google Scholar

Mehdi Jafari Vardanjani, Ph.D. - Resistance Welding,
University of Teheran, Iran

Prof. Borut Kosec - Materials Science, 
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Prof. Krzysztof Koziol - Composites Materials, 
Cranfield University, United Kingdom
Website; Google Scholar

Mariusz Kulczyk, Ph.D. - Joinning of Ultra-Fine Grained Materials,
Polish Academy of Science, Institute of High Pressure Physics, Poland

Prof. Seiji Kuroda - Thermal Spraying, 
National Institute for Materials Science, Japan

Prof. Adimoolam Kuppusamy Lakshminarayanan - Friction Welding
SSN College of Engineering Kalavakkam, India
ORCID; Website; Google Scholar

Prof. Zbigniew Mirski - Brazing and Bonding,
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

Prof. Dumitru Nedelcu - Advanced materials, 
"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, TUIASI, Romania

Dorota Oniszczuk-Świercz, Ph.D. - Nonconventional cutting processes,
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Prof. Zbigniew Prusak - Design for Manufacturing,
Central Connecticut State University, USA

Prof. Jacek Słania - Welding Technology and Procedures,
Welding Institute, Poland

Kwiryn Wojsyk, Ph.D. - Welded Structures,
Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland

Prof. Prasad Yarlagadda - Additive Manufacturing
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
ORCID; Website; Google Scholar

    Prof. Sheng Zhu - Remanufacturing and surface materials,
    National Key Laboratory for Remanufacturing, Beijing, China