The influence of abrasive finishing conditions on the surface texture of Inconel 939 elements made using the 3D printing LPBF method
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The article presents research on finishing treatment applied to components made of Inconel through 3D printing by Laser Powder Bed Fusion method. Vibration-abrasive machining was carried out using a supporting fluid and various shapes of abrasive. The effects of the processing conditions were analysed based on the surface roughness of the samples and mass loss. The obtained collective results were subjected to comparative analysis with the effects of vibratory-abrasive processing without the use of a processing fluid, as presented in the article. The research has shown that using vibration-abrasive processing, it is possible to reduce the height of surface irregularities by more than three times after four hours of treatment. The intensity of processing was the highest in the first hour of the process. The lowest roughness heights Ra = 1.8 μm were obtained using ceramic balls in the presence of a supporting fluid.
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