Qualifying the TIG orbital welding technology of titanium pipes with a perforated bottom


Jacek Górka
Mateusz Przybyła
Andrzej Chudzio
Dariusz Ładak
Marcin Szmul


The article presents the method of qualifying orbital welding technology using the TIG (142) method of the perforated bottom heat exchanger made of steel A516M (Grade 485) explosively clad with titanium B265 (Grade 1) with titanium pipes B338 (Grade 2) with a diameter of 34.93 mm and thickness 0.7 mm. Based on preliminary tests, welding technologies have been developed that meet the acceptance criteria for acceptance requirements. Qualification of the developed technology and welding parameters that were used during welding was carried out in accordance with PN-EN ISO 15614 Specification and qualification of metal welding technology, welding technology testing, Part 8: Welding of tubes with perforated bottom. This standard specifies the requirements for the qualification of automatic arc welding technology, metal pipe joints with perforated bottom by means of technology testing.


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Jak cytować
J. Górka, M. Przybyła, A. Chudzio, D. Ładak, i M. Szmul, „Qualifying the TIG orbital welding technology of titanium pipes with a perforated bottom”, Weld. Tech. Rev., t. 92, nr 3, s. 47–53, mar. 2020.
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