The influence of glow-discharge nitriding on the properties of thermally sprayed steel coatings

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Tomasz Babul
Anna Olbrycht
Szymon Pawlik
Janusz Trojanowski


Hybrid technologies are one of the directions of materials engineering development. They contribute to the subject of research on improving the performance of thermally sprayed steel coatings by thermo-chemical treatment. The paper presents the test results of arc spraying stainless steel coatings and then glow-discharge nitrided. The glow-discharge nitriding was performed with the following parameters: at 450 °C for 6 hours and at 530 °C for 4 hours. The results of the following tests are described and presented: metallographic (SEM), qualitative and quantitative analysis point EDS, measurement of hardness HV, hardness distribution, measurement of roughness parameters (Ra, Rz), wear resistance by the Amsler method. The results showed that the glow-discharge nitriding increases the hardness and the frictional wear resistance of thermal sprayed stainless steel X46Cr13 and X2CrNi18-9 coatings. The hybrid technology, combining thermal spraying of martensitic stainless steel X46Cr13 and glow-discharge nitriding at 530 °C for 4 hours, provides formation of a coating with the highest hardness and wear resistance of all the tested coatings. This coating can be applied to the regeneration of machine parts, which are required to have particularly high useful properties.


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T. Babul, A. Olbrycht, S. Pawlik, and J. Trojanowski, “The influence of glow-discharge nitriding on the properties of thermally sprayed steel coatings”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 90, no. 9, Sep. 2018.
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PN-82/H-04332 Badania wytrzymałościowe metali Badanie zużycia metali lub ich warstw dyfuzyjnych w procesie tarcia ślizgowego przy stałym nacisku na maszynie Amslera.

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