Structural aspects of heterogeneous welded joints made of Super 304H and T91 steel

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Klaudia Klimaszewska
Jacek Słania
Paweł Wieczorek
Grzegorz Golański
Paweł Urbańczyk


The paper presents the results of macro- and microscopic tests of heterogeneous welded joints made of Super 304H steel and T91 steel. The examined welded joints were made with the 141 (TIG) method in the PF welding position, using a Metrode EPRI P87 wire as the additional material. The tests were performed on the joint after welding and after heat treatment which consisted in the stress relief annealing at the temperature of 760 °C and soaking time of 2 hours. The investigated joints were marked respectively: S1 (the joint with- out heat treatment) and S2 (the joint after heat treatment). The process of welding, as well as the heat treatment in the area of the heat-affected zone (HAZ) in the case of Super 304H steel contributed to the precipitation processes mostly on the boundaries of grains. In the HAZ of T91 steel these processes caused the development of a degraded martensitic structure with numerous precipitates of diverse morphology.


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K. Klimaszewska, J. Słania, P. Wieczorek, G. Golański, and P. Urbańczyk, “Structural aspects of heterogeneous welded joints made of Super 304H and T91 steel”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 90, no. 6, Jun. 2018.
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