Selected sides of bioinspiration in the industrial development

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Adam Ruszaj


The universe is ruled by the universal laws of physics creating fixed relations between the phenomena. This quasi balanced, well established state has been disturbed by the negative impact of the industrial and urban pollution on the Nature environment. The growing level of contamination has become a hazard for the nature environment and for all live creatures, threatening sustainable progress of our civilization. One rational solution comes to mind, making use of the bionic science which investigates structures, materials and processes taking place in the nature in order to utilize the obtained results for the technological progress. It should be emphasized that it is possible to achieve bionic-inspired progress in technology and the industrial production with simultaneous advantageous impact on the Nature environment.



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A. Ruszaj, “Selected sides of bioinspiration in the industrial development”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 90, no. 3, Mar. 2018.
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