The assessment of susceptibility to hot cracking under forced deformation conditions in welded joints of Inconel 617 alloy
The development of power industry depends on variety factors, which primarily include European Union policy that obliges the industry to reduce emission of NOX, CO2, SO2to the atmosphere. The increase of steam parameters is possible due to the use of advanced materials, which include nickel alloys. Despite their good mechanical proper- ties at high temperatures, nickel alloys are difficult to weld due to the occurrence of hot cracks in the weld and the heat affected zone (HAZ). The article presents the results of susceptibility to hot cracking of Inconel 617 alloy, which is intended for critical elements of power boiler. The investigations include technological welding tests during forced deformations in the presence of inert gas with a tungsten electrode. In Transvarestraint test the amount of determination and the high temperature brittleness threshold were determined. Additionally, microanalysis tests sheets from cracking area by light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were done.
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