Supercapacitors electropulsing method for improvement the fatigue resistance of the austenitic steel sheets


Zbigniew Zimniak
Grzegorz Lesiuk
Wojciech Wiśniewski


The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of the use of high density pulsed current (using superca- pacitor) on the fatigue life of the tested specimens. For this purpose, experimental analyses were carried out for a two group of samples: without current pulsation and after cur- rent exposure. The results of the study for AISI 304 steel (0.04% C, 1.2% Mn, 18.16% Cr, 8% Ni, 0.335% Mo, 0.041% Si) for fatigue strength were presented. The experiments were performed on single edge notched tensile specimen (SENT) with U-shaped electro-drilling (W = 15 mm, t = 0.5 mm, a0 = 2.5 mm). Positive current pulses with different dura- tions and frequencies were used. The tests were carried out on a hydraulic pulsator MTS 810, controlled by a constant force amplitude Fmax = 1100 N. Obtained initial results encourage for further analyzes and studies with a number of factors that allow the use of high current electricity in the context of increasing the fatigue life of tools or prod- ucts obtained by plastic metal forming.


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Jak cytować
Z. Zimniak, G. Lesiuk, i W. Wiśniewski, „Supercapacitors electropulsing method for improvement the fatigue resistance of the austenitic steel sheets”, Weld. Tech. Rev., t. 90, nr 2, luty 2018.
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