Possibilities of using scanning acoustic microscopy to analyze incompatibilities in braze welded joints


Tomasz Piwowarczyk
Marcin Korzeniowski
Dawid Majewski


This article explores the possibilities of using non-destructive ultrasonic techniques to analyze the quality of lapped braze-welded joints. The tests were performed for 4 material groups (DC03+ZE steel and X5CrNi18-19 steel, aluminum alloys AW-5754 and AW-6061, titanium Grade 2 and copper Cu-ETP). As part of the work, additional materials and joint processes and its parameters were selected (TIG, MIG, laser). The quality of joints was monitored using scanning acoustic microscopy. Based on the A-scan andC-scan images, potential joints imperfections were determined. The possibilities of using advanced ultrasonic techniques to analyze the quality of braze joints was assessed.


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Jak cytować
T. Piwowarczyk, M. Korzeniowski, i D. Majewski, „Possibilities of using scanning acoustic microscopy to analyze incompatibilities in braze welded joints”, Weld. Tech. Rev., t. 91, nr 10, s. 7–15, lis. 2019.
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