Destruction of a head of a torch used while cutting with a CNC plasma cutter


Jacek Słania
Paweł Wilk


Selected issues related to the destruction of a head of a machine torch used in the CNC plasma cutters are discussed in the article. The specifics of plasma cutting as well as a problem of a continuous control of the process are presented. An attention was also paid to the behavior of the material being cut during the heat input, which may cause, among others, a release of stresses remaining in the material after rolling. What is more, the article illustrates how important the practical training of operators and programmers is, not only in the field of programming and cutting details, but also in the case of loading and downloading of cut-out elements.


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Jak cytować
J. Słania i P. Wilk, „Destruction of a head of a torch used while cutting with a CNC plasma cutter”, Weld. Tech. Rev., t. 90, nr 6, cze. 2018.
Original Articles


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