The history of submerged arc welding


Tomasz Szulc


Submerged arc welding is one of most efficient welding methods. First attempts to use the flux protection of a welding arc were carried in Russia at the end of nineteenth century, in fact before any welding technology was introduced. The rapid growth of submerged arc welding occurred during the World War II, when a demand for mass produced steel made constructions was enormous. In Poland the method was introduced only in mid-fifties of the last century as a result of activities of Gliwice Welding Institute, where indig- enous welding machines and fluxes were designed and produced, while the technology was strongly promoted.


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Jak cytować
T. Szulc, „The history of submerged arc welding”, Weld. Tech. Rev., t. 90, nr 8, sie. 2018.
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