The influence of cooling rate during welding on joint properties made of austenitic steel 1.4301


Agnieszka Rzeźnikiewicz
Mateusz Makielak
Piotr Dyner


The aim of the research was to investigated the influence of cooling rate during welding
on joint properties made of austenitic steel 1.4301. Three test panels were made: cooled in air, cooled by dipping the plate in water and cooled by spraying water from the side of the weld ridge. Non-destructive examinations (visual, penetrative and radiographic) and destructive tests (stretching, bending and impact tests) were made on the test panels. In addition, the ferrite content measurement was carried out.
It has been shown that the cooling affects the ferrite content and the impact strength of the joint.


Brak dostępnych danych do wyświetlenia.


Jak cytować
A. Rzeźnikiewicz, M. Makielak, i P. Dyner, „The influence of cooling rate during welding on joint properties made of austenitic steel 1.4301”, Weld. Tech. Rev., t. 91, nr 11, s. 43–49, grudz. 2019.
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