MAG welding of S700MC steel used in transport means with the operation of low arc welding method


Abilio Silva
Bożena Szczucka-Lasota
Tomasz Węgrzyn
Adam Jurek


Manufacturers of welding equipment strive to develop the most efficient, cost-effective and easy to process welding methods. This necessity is also related to welding of new, often hard-to-weld steel types. The article aims to present the possibility of welding a high-strength S700MC steel with an increased yield point using MAG (135) process and a blowtorch with an intelligent arc control. The blowtorch allows to reduce input energy and reduce splinters while maintaining the mechanical properties of the material. The S700MC steel has been selected for the tests purposefully, as it may create welding problems in order to maintain high strength and increased yield point. The applied technology provided lower power consumption compared to traditional welding machines and joints with very good mechanical properties were achieved.


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Jak cytować
A. Silva, B. Szczucka-Lasota, T. Węgrzyn, i A. Jurek, „MAG welding of S700MC steel used in transport means with the operation of low arc welding method”, Weld. Tech. Rev., t. 91, nr 3, mar. 2019.
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