Aluminum alloys welding with micro-jet cooling in busducts

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Bożena Szczucka-Lasota
Tomasz Węgrzyn
Michał Krzysztoforski


Aluminium alloys were used in many structural applications, including the civil engineering field. The innovative technology of welding with micro-jet cooling was tested and the effects were reported. The main information is given on the parameters of aluminum welding with the micro-jet cooling process. Information was also reported on the influence of various micro-jet parameters on the metallographic structure. Subsequently, metallographic and certain physical properties of welding structures (for example, mechanical resistance, electrical conductivity) were tested. Aluminum alloys are lightweight and resistant to corrosion in the natural and aquatic environment, which is why they are a suitable material for responsible structures (in the construc- tion of ships, vehicles, electrical conductors). This article focuses on the mechanical and electrical properties of busduct welds made with the micro-jet cooling pioneering technology.


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B. Szczucka-Lasota, T. Węgrzyn, and M. Krzysztoforski, “Aluminum alloys welding with micro-jet cooling in busducts”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 91, no. 2, Feb. 2018.
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