Flexible system for micro-clinching processes design and analysis

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Wojciech Presz
Han Bing-Yuan


With the development of microprocessors, actuators and structural micro-components, new concepts of micro-electro-mechanical systems/machines are constantly being introduced. One of the consequences of this tendency is seeking for best techniques to connect metal micro-components. Because of tools simplicity, no additional fastening parts and the undisturbed structure of the material, clinching appears to be a promising method for joining in micro-scale. A procedure for the analysis of micro-clinching process is proposed in the paper, and unique, support flexible tooling system designed. This system allows to easily change key parameters of the process. With the use of flexible micro-tooling, a successful micro-clinching of silver sheets of thickness 0.18 mm has been conducted. An effective numerical method - Rapid Numerical Strength Test - for modelling the process of tearing the joints has been presented. Compliance of key phenomena recognized in modelling with experimental results was obtained.


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W. Presz and H. Bing-Yuan, “Flexible system for micro-clinching processes design and analysis”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 92, no. 4, pp. 31–45, May 2020.
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