Condition monitoring of crack extension in the reinforced adhesive joint by carbon nanotubes

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Omid Sam-Daliri
Mohammadreza Farahani
Alireza Araei


Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are ideally suited to be employed for damage sensing in fiber rein- forced composite structures. In this work, the capability of CNTs for crack extension of a single lap Al-Al adhesive joints (SLJ) under shear load is studied using electrical resistance change. Different weight per- cent of CNT are added to epoxy adhesive. Epoxy adhesive with high concentration of CNT is obtained during shear loading to have the maximum strength and provide the best sensory properties. To provide a more concise evaluation of the crack extension in the adhesive layer under shear load, artificial defects are embedded into the SLJ specimens. The effects of square and circular defects with two different sizes on the crack extension in the adhesive layer are evaluated. The results showed that the maximum relative resistance change has occurred by 220% when the microcracks are initiated and accordingly developed from the nanoadhesive and changed its direction from the Square defect boundary. Additionally, in comparison with interface fracture in defective adhesive joint, when a part of crack grows through the adhesive layer, the resistance change showed higher values.


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O. Sam-Daliri, M. Farahani, and A. Araei, “Condition monitoring of crack extension in the reinforced adhesive joint by carbon nanotubes”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 91, no. 12, pp. 7–15, Jan. 2020.
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