Analysis of measurement conditions influence on the magnetic Barkhausen noise phenomenon

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Michał Paweł Maciusowicz
Grzegorz Psuj


The effectiveness of the magnetic Barkhausen noise method (MBN), used for non-destructive testing of ferromagnetic materials, depends to a large extent on a number of factors determining the measurement conditions. The use of conditions allowing the highest possible level of discrimination between the various states of the materials state is of highest importance. Therefore, this paper presents an analysis of the impact of measurement conditions on Barkhausen noise signals observed for various states of the material conditions. Taking into consideration the stochastic nature of MBN and the complex characterization of its changes, the analysis was based on the time-frequency representation of the MBN signal. The paper presents selected distributions achieved using two transformation methods. In addi- tion, the extraction methods of features allowing the quantification of complex information were given. Finally, the discrimination ability for a number of parameters and features of MBN signals were deter- mined and the obtained results were discussed.


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M. P. Maciusowicz and G. Psuj, “Analysis of measurement conditions influence on the magnetic Barkhausen noise phenomenon”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 91, no. 12, pp. 17–24, Jan. 2020.
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