The laboratory tests of hybrid layers combining hardfacing and nitriding dedicated to increase the durability of forging tools in hot forging processes

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Paweł Widomski
Zbigniew Gronostajski
Marcin Kaszuba
Jagoda Kowalska
Mariusz Pawełczyk


In response to the growing need to use wear-resistant layers that increase durability of tools in forging pro-cesses, hybrid layers have been proposed that combine hardfacing with nitriding treatment. This article presents the results of laboratory tests of surface wear-resistant layers made with a new hybrid technology Gas-Shielded Metal Arc surfacing (hardfacing) with ZeroFlow gas nitriding. Specimens made with hardfacing or nitriding were prepared and examined. Analysis covered the thorough microstructure study, EDX chemical composition analysis and microhardness analysis. In experiment, 3 different types of nitrided layers were proposed for alpha, gamma prim and epsilon nitrides in the surface layer. The results of metallographic research in the surface layer was presented. The analysis of chemical composition in the particular overlay welds was performed to determine the content of alloying elements in the particular overlay welds. The susceptibility to nitriding of used weld materials as well as the ability to form particular types of nitrides on selected welded substrates was also tested.


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P. Widomski, Z. Gronostajski, M. Kaszuba, J. Kowalska, and M. Pawełczyk, “The laboratory tests of hybrid layers combining hardfacing and nitriding dedicated to increase the durability of forging tools in hot forging processes”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 91, no. 2, Feb. 2019.
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