Microstructure and selected properties of Ni-Cr-Re coatings deposited by means of HVOF thermal spraying

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Konrad Tobota
Tomasz Chmielewski
Marcin Chmielewski


The article presents selected results of testing Ni-Cr-Re coatings deposited by means of HVOF supersonic spray. The substrate made of 16Mo3 chromium molybdenum boiler steel was sprayed with a powder material of Oerlikon Amdry 4535 80% Ni, 20% Cr, 20÷45 μm, to which 1% of metallic rhenium was added using the high energy milling method in a ball mill. The Rhenium is an alloying additive that improves the heat resistance of alloys, creep and high temperature oxidation resistance. Alloys with the addition of rhenium are widely used in the aerospace industry (nickel superalloys) and in power industry. Metallographic microscopic examinations, microhardness tests and surface profilometry were carried out.


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K. Tobota, T. Chmielewski, and M. Chmielewski, “Microstructure and selected properties of Ni-Cr-Re coatings deposited by means of HVOF thermal spraying”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 91, no. 1, Jan. 2019.
Original Articles


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