Study of the thermally sprayed Zn coatings in the context of use in special purpose articles

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Mariusz Bober
Rafał Milczarek
Marek Żubrowski
Wojciech Sokołowski


The paper presents the results of operational tests of thermal sprayed zinc coatingsof various thicknesses on non-alloy steel substrates. The resistance of coatings to:variable temperature cycles, increased ambient humidity, salt fog as well as the electri-cal resistance of the coating and its adhesion to the steel substrate were tested. It hasbeen shown that Zn coatings has a high corrosion resistance in various atmospheric conditions and have satisfactory properties so they can be protective layers of ma-chine parts used in the armaments industry.


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How to Cite
M. Bober, R. Milczarek, M. Żubrowski, and W. Sokołowski, “Study of the thermally sprayed Zn coatings in the context of use in special purpose articles”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 90, no. 11, Nov. 2018.
Original Articles


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