Evaluation of structure and properties of hybrid (laser + MAG) welded joints of membrane wall panels made from austenitic steel type 304


Anna Kamela


The paper presents the results of quality evaluation of hybrid welded (laser + MAG) joints of membrane wall panels made from austenitic steel type 304. The macro- and micro-structure have been assessed by use of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. There has been also conducted technological tensile test to estimate the strength properties of joints. Based on the results, it has been found that application of hybrid (laser + MAG) welding process to produce membrane wall panels made of austenitic steels, using the suitable welding process parameters, meets the requirements of the quality level B speci ed in PN-EN ISO 13919. 


Brak dostępnych danych do wyświetlenia.


Jak cytować
A. Kamela, „Evaluation of structure and properties of hybrid (laser + MAG) welded joints of membrane wall panels made from austenitic steel type 304”, Weld. Tech. Rev., t. 90, nr 2, luty 2018.
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