The investigation of influence of surface activation of aluminum 7075 on strength of bonded joint

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Zbigniew Zimniak
Roman Wróblewski


The paper presents the results of the static strength test on shear adhesion bonded joints made of aluminum alloy 7075. The tests were of a comparative nature and examined the effect of surface activation using low temperature plasma with non-activated samples. Three types of adhesives were used. Based on the studies, the increase of free sur- face energy for low temperature plasma samples and for 2 of the 3 tested adhesives increased the strength of the joint were observed.


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Z. Zimniak and R. Wróblewski, “The investigation of influence of surface activation of aluminum 7075 on strength of bonded joint”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 90, no. 2, Feb. 2018.
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