Advances and Perspectives in Using Medical Informatics for Steering Surgical Robots in Welding and Training of Welders Applying Long-Distance Communication Links

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Zbigniew Prusak
Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
Ryszard Jastrzębski
Ilona Jastrzębska


This paper discusses various challenges in remote welding with a surgical robot equipped with a digital camera used to observe the welding zone, in particular the difficulty in detecting the boundaries of the weld pool. The difference in the processing of the real image by the human brain is discussed in comparison with the image in the form of a film from a digital camera. In addition to the need of performing the second derivative of the image in real-time, three models of human recognition of an image were discussed, one of which was already studied by researchers from Cambridge, UK. The concept of melting the base material by bending the weld pool with the pressure of non-ionized arc gases and the American implementation of the measurement of the third dimension of the weld pool and determining the weld penetration by electronics of the welding machine are discussed. Desired movement trajectories of the electrode tip based on the physics of the welding arc and welding technology are presented along with difficulties in teaching the movements to welding trainees. Basics of the neural model of the brain with the vector model of artificial intelligence are also presented.


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How to Cite
Z. Prusak, R. Tadeusiewicz, R. Jastrzębski, and I. Jastrzębska, “Advances and Perspectives in Using Medical Informatics for Steering Surgical Robots in Welding and Training of Welders Applying Long-Distance Communication Links”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 92, no. 5, pp. 37–49, Jun. 2020.


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