Mechanical properties investigations of the plasma sprayed coatings based on alumina powder

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Joanna Spyra
Monika Michalak
Aneta Niemiec
Leszek Andrzej Łatka


In this paper Al2O3 + 13 wt% TiO2 ceramic coatings manufactured by Atmospheric Plasma Spraying (APS) have been investigated. The commercial feedstock materials, Metco 6221 (top coat) and Amdry 4535 (bond coat) have been deposited on stainless steel coupons. The main goal of researches was to determine the influence of critical plasma spray parameters (CPSP) on structure and properties of the coatings. In present studies, the electrical power was a variable parameter. Coatings have been characterized by in the terms of microstructure, topography, bond strength adhesion, fracture toughness and wear resistance. As a result, it was observed, that coatings sprayed with higher value of the electrical power exhibit higher mechanical properties due to better cohesion as well as higher melting degree.


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How to Cite
J. Spyra, M. Michalak, A. Niemiec, and L. A. Łatka, “Mechanical properties investigations of the plasma sprayed coatings based on alumina powder”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 92, no. 4, pp. 17–23, May 2020.
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