Influence of machining parameters on surface texture of Inconel 718 after grinding with multi-granular wheels

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Adrian Kopytowski
Rafał Świercz
Rafał Nowicki
Grigor Stambolov


Requirements currently imposed on machine elements are constantly growing. It requires to develop new, advanced machining processes. One of the commonly used finishing process is grinding. The article presents the results of the exploratory research in the process of surface grinding with abrasive multigrain wheels of samples made of Inconel 718. The influence of input parameters was investigated: cutting speed Vc, transverse feed speed Fp, longitudinal feed speed Fw, on roughness parameters (Sa) and the bearing capacity curve. Based on the conducted research, statistical models of the grinding process were elaborated, which allow to select the most favorable processing parameters depending on the required quality of the surface texture.


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A. Kopytowski, R. Świercz, R. Nowicki, and G. Stambolov, “Influence of machining parameters on surface texture of Inconel 718 after grinding with multi-granular wheels”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 91, no. 3, Mar. 2019.
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