Verification of normal distribution of welding distortions

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Damian Grzesiak
Jarosław Plichta


The aim of this paper is to answer the question of the distribution of welding distortions. The MIG method was used to make 31 butt welds of 0H18N9 sheet metal, of 6 mm thickness and dimensions 150x350 mm. All joints are made with constant parameters of the welding process. Statistical analysis of the distribution and Kolomogorov-Smirnov test were used in this paper. On the grounds of the analysis it was proved that the distribution of welding deformations is a normal distribution. This justifies the use of experiment planning methods and the use of average values. The relatively high value of the standard deviation makes it necessary to take into account the geometrical parameters of the joint.


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How to Cite
D. Grzesiak and J. Plichta, “Verification of normal distribution of welding distortions”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 91, no. 3, Mar. 2019.
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