Analysis of the morphology of impact fractures of welded joints made of cast steel for the power industry of the Cr-Mo type with the addition of rare earth metals

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Andrzej Skrzypczyk
Justyna Kasińska
Piotr Furmańczyk


The article presents the results of tests of butt welded joints, ie. hardness distribution, macro and microstructure. Analysis of surface morphology of impact fractures of G17CrMo5-5 welded joints was carried out. The welding process was carried out on two types of melts, ie. without modification and with addition of rare earth metals (REM) to liquid metal. Welded joints were made using the TIG method.


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How to Cite
A. Skrzypczyk, J. Kasińska, and P. Furmańczyk, “Analysis of the morphology of impact fractures of welded joints made of cast steel for the power industry of the Cr-Mo type with the addition of rare earth metals”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 90, no. 6, Jun. 2018.
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