Quality assessment of dissimilar welded joint of HARDOX 450® and Strenx 700 MC® steel

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Klaudia Klimaszewska
Grzegorz Golański
Rafał Lis
Jacek Słania


The paper presents the results of quality assessment of welded joints. The scope of the work was to investigate the non-destructive testing: visual testing (VT), penetration testing (PT) and radiological testing (RT). The study included also the survey breaking the macro- and microstructural test on the welded joint section. The research has shown that the use of the welding consumables in form of a wire 4Si1 to joint HARDOX 450® with Strenx 700MC® ensures the required ,,B quality of welded joints in accordance with regulatory requirements. The analyzed joint was characterized by typical microstructure for native materials used.


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How to Cite
K. Klimaszewska, G. Golański, R. Lis, and J. Słania, “Quality assessment of dissimilar welded joint of HARDOX 450® and Strenx 700 MC® steel”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 90, no. 8, Aug. 2018.
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