Hybrid nodepredictions of angular distortion of the connector on the basis of three dimensional designed experiment

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Tomasz Urbański


The article presents the results of experimental researches on angular distortion of the connector of a hybrid node. The hybrid node being a part of the large-size steel structure is formed as a result of joining I-core panel with conventional stiffened steel plate. The researches has been carried out according to design of experiment technique in laboratory conditions near-real-life production conditions. The presented analysis accounts for technological-constructional parameters influencing the suitability for assembly of a hybrid node. The presented appraisal method used for experiment results features implementation of approximation dependence to predict angular distortion in large-size steel constructions. 


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T. Urbański, “Hybrid nodepredictions of angular distortion of the connector on the basis of three dimensional designed experiment”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 89, no. 9, Sep. 2017.
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