Energy intensity as an ecological factor in the selection of the manufacturing process

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Artur Soroczyński
Roman Haratym
Krzysztof Rechowicz


The article presents the analysis of the implementation of selected elements of car transport in the aspect of ecology. The basic issue that affects the protection of the environment (ecology) is the value of energy intensity in the manufacture of products. The elements made in the production process of plastic mouldings were compared. The amount of energy in kJ needed to produce 1 kg of a given product was estimated. Next, the dependencies between the value of computational energy intensity and the emission of gases affecting the environment of CO2, SO2, NOx were presented. As a conversion factor according to GUS data, it was assumed that 1kWh production in Poland causes emission of 800 g CO2, 7 g SO2 i 3 g NOx.


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A. Soroczyński, R. Haratym, and K. Rechowicz, “Energy intensity as an ecological factor in the selection of the manufacturing process”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 91, no. 3, Mar. 2019.
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