Selected problems of design and pre-implementation studies of new types of manipulators

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Paweł Cegielski
Dariusz Golański
Paweł Kołodziejczak
Andrzej Kolasa
Bogusław Silbert
Yevhen Krykavskyy


Conceptual development and testing of models and prototypes of manipulators, supporting the work of industrial robots, has become a specialty of the Department of Welding Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology and ZAP Robotyka from Ostrow Wielkopolski. However, they are not typical devices, so their development requires a detailed analysis of many aspects, both functional and economic. Also the pre-implementation tests are not included in dedicated standards and must be based on previously developed experimental procedures. This article presents selected problems in the design and research of new types of manipulators, created as a result of joint research and development work.


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How to Cite
P. Cegielski, D. Golański, P. Kołodziejczak, A. Kolasa, B. Silbert, and Y. Krykavskyy, “Selected problems of design and pre-implementation studies of new types of manipulators”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 11–29, Jul. 2023.
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