Persistence of the thin layers of transition metal carbides in contact with liquid NiBSi alloy

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Mariusz Bober
Jacek Senkara
Bogdan Wendler


The article presents the results of study on interaction between the liquid NiBSi alloy and solid, thin, micrometer-range layers of transition metal carbides of IVB - VIB groups of the periodic table. The reactive magnetron sputtering method was adopted to deposit of these layers on molybdenum substrates. Carbide layers are destroyed in contact with liquid alloy by dissolving, intensified by the penetration of the liquid along the coating - substrate interface. The strong interaction between liquid NiBSi and both the carbide ceramics and the refractory metal substrate was revealed. The effect intensity differs somewhat for both tested carbide groups: IVB (relatively fast) and VIB (less intense).


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How to Cite
M. Bober, J. Senkara, and B. Wendler, “Persistence of the thin layers of transition metal carbides in contact with liquid NiBSi alloy”, Weld. Tech. Rev., vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 5–12, Feb. 2021.
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