Indentation testing of thin titanium coatings sprayed with cold gas


Medard Makrenek
Wojciech Żórawski


Material hardness is one of the basic parameters characterizing the propertiesof matter. In the nanohardness studies, the intendants deformation can not be neglected. Assuming the proportionality of the intenders deformation to the hardness of the material being tested, a relative hardness measurement was used in the work. Hardness measurement was carried out for fused silica, which was a reference sample. With the same nanotesting parameters, a nanoscale measurement was carried out for two samples.


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Jak cytować
M. Makrenek i W. Żórawski, „Indentation testing of thin titanium coatings sprayed with cold gas”, Weld. Tech. Rev., t. 90, nr 11, lis. 2018.
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