Study of design and research of new welding manipulators on the example of an L-type positioner


Paweł Cegielski
Dariusz Golański
Paweł Kołodziejczak
Andrzej Kolasa
Tadeusz Sarnowski
Bogusław Silbert
Yevhen Krykavskyy


The development, testing and implementation of a new construction of a multi-axis L-type welding positioner designed to work with an industrial robot, distinguished by a wide range of movements, high load capacity and working space is a difficult task. Due to the special, unique nature of this type of devices, their research is not the subject of dedicated standards and detailed descriptions of literature and, are based primarily on their own manufacturers' procedures. The article traces the creative process in the development and implementation of the "L" positioner as part of the research and development of new types of machines at PPU "ZAP Robotics" in Ostrów Wielkopolski in cooperation with the Department of Welding Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology


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Jak cytować
P. Cegielski, „Study of design and research of new welding manipulators on the example of an L-type positioner”, Weld. Tech. Rev., t. 91, nr 7, s. 33–44, paź. 2019.
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